
Celery Worker Execution From PHP

Use of Rhubarb is outlined as follows.

Send Task and Wait For Result

use \Rhubarb\Exception\TimeoutException;

$rhubarb = new \Rhubarb\Rhubarb($options);

try {
   $task = $rhubarb->sendTask('task.add', array(2,2));
   $result = $task->get();
} catch (TimeoutException $e) {
   $log->error('task failed to return in default timelimit [10] seconds');

Fire And Forget Task

use \Rhubarb\Exception\TimeoutException;

$rhubarb = new \Rhubarb\Rhubarb($options);

try {
   $task = $rhubarb->sendTask('task.add', array(2,2));

   $result = $task->delay();
} catch (TimeoutException $e) {
   $log->error('task failed to return in default timelimit [10] seconds');

Getting Task Status

use \Rhubarb\Exception\TimeoutException;

$rhubarb = new \Rhubarb\Rhubarb($options);

$task = $rhubarb->sendTask('task.add', array(2,2));

$result = $task->delay();

while (!$task->successful()) {
   echo $task->state(), PHP_EOL;
   // You should have some time based break; statement here


KWARG Support

use \Rhubarb\Exception\TimeoutException;

$rhubarb = new \Rhubarb\Rhubarb($options);
try {
   $task = $rhubarb->sendTask('task.add', array('arg1' => 2, 'arg2' => 2));
   $result = $task->delay();
} catch (TimeoutException $e) {
   $log->error('task failed to return in default timelimit [10] seconds');

Method Specific Queue and/or Exchange

use \Rhubarb\Exception\TimeoutException;

$rhubarb = new \Rhubarb\Rhubarb($options);
try {
   $task = $rhubarb->sendTask('task.add', array('arg1' => 2, 'arg2' => 2));
   $result = $task->delay();
} catch (TimeoutException $e) {
   $log->error('task failed to return in default timelimit [10] seconds');
Advanced Task Options

At runtime it may become necessary to utilize a different queue, exchange or various runtime options. These options may be passed to the __delay__ method when called:

Supported Options are:

  • countdown: (int) The task is guaranteed to be executed at some time after the specified date and time, but not necessarily at that exact time.
  • expires: (int) The expires argument defines an optional expiry time, either as seconds after task publish.
  • priority: (int) A number between 0 and 9, where 0 is the highest priority. (Supported by: redis)
  • utc: (bool) Timestamps are UTC.
  • eta: (int) The ETA (estimated time of arrival) in seconds; lets you set a specific date and time that is the earliest time at which your task will be executed.
  • errbacks: TBD
  • queue: (string) Simple routing (name <-> name) is accomplished using the queue option.
  • queue_args: (array) Key-Value option pairs for the queue arguments.
  • exchange: (string) Name of exchange (or a kombu.entity.Exchange) to send the message to.


$rhubarb = new \Rhubarb\Rhubarb($options);

$res = $rhubarb->sendTask('subtract', array(3, 2));
        'queue' => 'priority.high',
        'exchange' => 'subtract_queue'
$result = $res->get(2);
$this->assertEquals(1, $result);

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